

Please read the rules very carefully as they contain all the details necessary regarding the choice of a choir’s programme and the criteria for adjudication. Each choir must be familiar with the rules.

Enrolments and requested documents for the Rimini International Choral Competition must be sent through the Entry e-Form before the 30 September 2024 at the latest.

Enrolments will be registered in order of arrival. Enrolments are subject to the approval of the organizing Committee, whose decision will be confirmed to both selected and non-selected choirs by e-mail no later than one week after receiving the application. The groups selected must confirm their application by e-mail immediately and will then, by email receive information giving all further details.

They shall then:

  1. Pay an application fee of 200 Euros for the first category chosen and 100 Euros for every additional category (for each choir and for each category chosen) as described in detail at the bottom of the rules.
  2. Send, no later than 30 September, via the online form available on the website, the programme of the selected pieces for each category, including those for possible participation in the Grand-Prix. Copies of the scores in PDF format must be attached to the form. Choirs must in any case possess the originals of the same scores in the minimum number of 5 for each of them.

No enrolments will be considered complete until all these formalities have been met.

1 – Competition Classes

The Rimini International Competition includes four normal Classes (A, B, C, E) and a special Class (X). The same competing Group may participate in not more than three normal Classes, if it wishes.

A – Equal Voices Choirs (The term ‘equal voices’ refers to choirs composed of voices of the same type (e.g. SSAA or TTBB) and does not refer to the gender of the singers).

B – Mixed Voices Choirs

C – Children Choirs (The singers of the children’s choirs must not be born before 1 January 2010; non-quota singers born no earlier than 1 January 2008 are admitted up to a maximum number of 15% of the total number of choir members. Choirs intending to enrol choristers born before 1 January 2010 must highlight the names of the out-of-quota choristers in the declaration to be issued by the Choir Manager for the purpose of identification and control).)

E – Sacred Music (Mixed, Equal Voices, Youth and Children Choirs)

X – “Grand Prix City of Rimini” Competition (the winners and runners-up from each of the classes, A, B, C and E – if their mark is at least 80,01 points or higher – must be prepared to compete in this class). If a choir is a winner of two or more categories, it will participate just once in the class X representing the first category qualification in chronological order and the choir arriving third in the other category will also participate.


Example: The mixed choir Giuseppe Verdi first wins Category E, then it wins Category A participating only with the male singers and arrives second in Category C, reaching a score higher than 80,1 in all cases. Choir Giuseppe Verdi will then participate in the Grand Prix as a mixed choir representing category E together as also the choir arriving 2nd in that Category. For category A, 2nd and 3rd place choirs will sing in the Grand Prix and for category C 1st and 3rd place choirs.


 Number of Singers



Category A



Category B 



Category C 



Category E




2 – Prizes

At the outcome of each competition, the following prizes will be awarded:






Category A




Category B 




Category C 




Category E 




Category X (Grand-Prix)

1.500 €, Trophy

The Jury shall not assign any ex-aequo prize.

The first prize-winners of classes A, B, C, E, will receive a gold-plated hand-made medal. The second prize-winner of classes A, B, C, E will receive a silver-plated hand-made medal. The third prize-winner of classes A, B, C, E will receive a bronzed hand-made medal.

The winner of the “Grand Prix” (class X) will receive a special trophy and a money prize of 1.500 Euros.

The winner of the Grand Prix 2024 will also have the honour to participate in our partner competition: the WORLD CHORAL CHAMPIONSHIP 2025. More information here:

Other prizes:

Prize “Emilia Romagna Region”: Diploma and trophy to the best Choir Director of the X class.

The Committee reserves the right to add other prizes.


Choirs will be judged according the following criteria:



The jury will award a maximum of 100 points for each choir, as follows:

95,01-100,00:          Outstanding

85,01-95,00:            Excellent

80,01-85,00:            Very Good

75,01-80,00:            Good

65,01-75,00:            Moderate

According to the mark achieved, Bronze, Silver and Gold Diplomas will be awarded. If the choir does not achieve a Diploma (mark under 65.01) it will receive a certificate of participation. Each member of the Jury will write a report containing reviews and impressions about the performed repertoire of the choirs. The reports will be sent to the choirs by email.





Bronze Diploma


65,01 – 70,00


70,01 – 75,00

Silver Diploma


75,01 – 80,00


80,01 – 85,00

Gold Diploma


85,01 – 90,00


90,01 – 95,00


95,01 – 100,00


3 – Repertoire

CLASSES A (Equal Voices) and B (Mixed Choirs): The programme choice, for Classes A and B, is left to each ensemble, but it must include four works, as follows:

  1. One piece by a composer of the Renaissance, Baroque or Classical The Jury will evaluate especially fidelity to style.
  2. One piece written after 1900.
  3. Two pieces chosen freely from any period.

The total duration of performed repertoire must be between 11 and 15 minutes of pure singing time (that is, the duration of the performed pieces excluding applause and going onto or leaving the stage). The choir must sing at least 2 pieces a cappella (i.e. without any instrumental accompaniment).


CLASS C (Children Choirs): The programme choice for Class C, is left to each ensemble, but it must include four works, as follows:

  1. One piece written before 1900, sung in any language, performed a cappella or with instrumental accompaniment.
  2. Two pieces written after 1900 by composers of the same Country of the choir. At least one of the two pieces must be sung in the original language of the composer and at least one of the two must be performed a cappella.
  3. One piece chosen freely from any period desired and in any language, performed a cappella.

The total duration of performed repertoire must be between 11 and 15 minutes of pure singing time (i.e. the duration of the performed pieces excluding applause and going onto or leaving the stage). The choir must sing at least 2 pieces a cappella (i.e. without any instrumental accompaniment).


CLASS E (Sacred Music): The programme choice, for Class E is left to each ensemble, but it must include four works of sacred music, as follows:

  1. One piece by a composer of the Renaissance, Baroque or Classical The Jury will evaluate especially fidelity to style.
  2. One piece written after 1900.
  3. Two pieces chosen freely from any period desired.

The total duration of performed repertoire must be between 11 and 15 minutes of pure singing time (i.e. the duration of the performed pieces excluding applause and going onto or leaving the stage). All the repertoire, having entirely sacred text, must be performed a cappella, i.e. without any instrumental accompaniment.


CLASS X: The winners and runners-up (second place) from classes A, B, C and E, if their mark is at least 80,01 points or higher, must be prepared to compete in class X and may not use any piece from an earlier class.

The programme choice for Class X, is left to each ensemble, but it must include three works:

  1. One piece written before 1900.
  2. One piece written after 1900.
  3. One piece chosen freely from any period desired.

The total duration of performed repertoire must be between 7 and 10 minutes of pure singing time (it is the duration of the performed pieces excluding applause and going onto or leaving the stage) The choir must sing at least 2 pieces a cappella (i.e. without any instrumental accompaniment).


  • No Choir may sing the same repertoire in two or more different classes of competition (A, B, C, E, X).
  • Choirs will be penalized by two points for not respecting the time limits set out in the above rules.
  • Accompaniment may be provided by a piano or other instrument / Recorded accompaniment is not allowed.
  • Subsequent to repertoire entry a choir may not change its repertoire nor the order in which it is to be sung.


4 – Adjudicators and Awarding Ceremonies

The competitions will be judged by a jury of nationally and internationally recognised experts. The names of the choirs admitted to the Grand Prix will be announced at the end of each category (after the jury meeting) but the awarding of the prizes and diplomas for each category will take place during the final prize-giving ceremony on Sunday 3 November 2024, in the evening. Any prizes not collected at any prize- giving ceremony shall be available to the winners for one year following the close of the Competition. Prizes must be collected personally; under no circumstances will prizes be sent. Before the Grand Prix the participating Choirs will have the opportunity to meet the members of the Jury. During this meeting they will have the opportunity to ask the Jury Member’s opinions on technique and about their artistic observations.


5 – Sung Service at the Church of Agostino

The first 10 Choirs selecting this option on the entry form may sing together a Mass directed by Andrea Angelini at the beautiful Church of St. Agostino on Saturday afternoon 2 November 2024 at 16:30. The choirs will also say a short prayer in their own languages. All the information and the repertoire will be sent to the participating choirs via email in due time before the event.


6 – Entry Procedures

When submitting an entry form you must include some MP3 recordings of the choir or some links to YouTube videos, a short biography of the choir in discursive way (max. 1200 characters, spaces included) and a high-quality digital picture of the choir.

The closing date for class entry is 30 September 2024.

The closing date for repertoire entry is 30 September 2024.

Everything needs to be electronically submitted through the e-forms available on our website.


7 – General Rules

  • Ninety per cent of all members of a choir, except the conductor, must be amateurs (i.e. those who do not earn their main livelihood as singers).
  • In case of changes of the keys printed in the scores the jury must be informed in writing prior to the competition.
  • The Musical Director reserves the right to limit the number of entries for each class.
  • The Musical Director reserves the right to join two classes or to cancel a class if he feels that there are insufficient entries.
  • The Musical Director reserves the right to refuse entry to any choir to any class. The Musical Director reserves the right to add to or alter these rules.
  • The Jury’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding any aspect of its decision.
  • Order of appearance will be made by the Musical Director after entry to competition is closed and will be notified by e-mail or fax to each participating choir not later than 13 October 2024.
  • In no circumstances shall any person (other than authorised officials) be allowed on the stage or backstage during any class.
  • It is contrary to law to perform music if the score has been reproduced illegally. Should a choir do so the Festival accepts no responsibility for any action taken by publishers.
  • The Festival Organisers and the Musical Director accept no legal responsibility whatsoever in respect of anything pertaining to a choir’s participation in the Festival.
  • Submission of an entry form and participation in the Festival implies acceptance of all the Competition Rules and Regulations.


8 – Broadcasting and recording rights

All rights regarding the audio and audio-visual recordings of the event (“Recordings”) as well as their exploitation are herewith being granted by the choir/artists exclusively to Musicaficta. All rights granted to Musicaficta hereunder may be exploited by Musicaficta in perpetuity without any limitation as to time, territory and/or manner of exploitation free of any rights of third parties. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this includes in particular the following exclusive rights in the Recordings which can also be transferred by Musicaficta to a third party at Musicaficta discretion.

Musicaficta shall be exclusively entitled to reproduce the Recordings wholly or partly by way of producing vinyl discs, music cassettes, compact discs, DATs, Mini Discs, Digital Compact Cassettes or other sound carriers and by producing video cassettes, picture discs, compact disc videos, DVDs or other audio-visual carriers or other data carriers or by means of other technical devices and to sell or otherwise distribute these reproductions by retail, wholesale or other distribution channels such as clubs, mail order or TV-response.

This also includes the right to exploit the Recordings in the context of online and especially internet applications of any kind and of any system, regardless of the way of transmission and business model, and to use, upload and distribute these Recordings in data bases, networks (e.g. internet and all its services) or anything similar of any kind and especially to disseminate and transmit these Recordings to users of databases/networks via cable or other ways of transmission for the purpose of perception and/or reproduction and/ or distribution against payment or free of charge.

This also includes the right to publicly perform or broadcast the Recordings by private or public broadcast stations, including digital radio services, via cable, satellite or other technical transmission services either against payment or free of charge (including the right to collect in Musicaficta own name broadcast fees accruing in connection with the public performance or broadcast of the Recordings). Musicaficta rights also include the right to edit and/or alter the Recordings (e.g. by producing mixes or remixes), to couple the Recordings with other recordings (e.g. with recordings of other artists) and the right to release and sell the Recordings on so-called “special product” audio or audio-visual carriers.

Furthermore, Musicaficta shall be entitled to grant synchronization rights in the Recordings for movies, videos, TV and/or movie commercials, image films etc., to translate them into other languages, to use them for multimedia purposes of any kind or to rearrange them in any other way (e.g. to create remixes or do sampling). This also includes the exclusive right to use the Recordings in PC software as well as other and also interactive multimedia productions (incl. so called “websites”) for goods, services and advertising purposes of any kind.

Finally, this includes the non-exclusive right to use the choir’s/artist’s name as well as images of the choir/artist in the context of the exploitation and the advertising and promotion measures mentioned above. Musicaficta does not pay any money to the artist for the exclusive grant of rights mentioned above. The artist accepts explicitly that the positive promotion effect resulting from an exploitation of the Recordings by Musicaficta represents an adequate return service for this transfer of rights. In case of a commercial release of the Recordings on CD, the parties will negotiate separately in good faith about an adequate royalty to be payable to Artist according to standard business practice.


9 – Accommodation

The participating choirs at the Rimini International Choral Competition shall book their hotel through the Agency authorized by Musicaficta. All the information about prices of the packages is available at the bottom of this page and on our website here This is an exclusive condition and integral part of the conditions for participation and there is no exception to this rule. All included services and rates of the event package are described in the agency offer sent to the requesting choir. The purchase of an accommodation package is three (3) nights minimum.

The package includes hotel accommodation in B&B, half board or full board, the entrance to all the events organized during the event (concerts, competitions) and the possibility to take advantage of all the discounts offered by our partners (museums, leisure parks, restaurants…) The payment to the authorized agencies for the event package is due on the dates indicated on the invoice. Banking information is also located on the invoice. We would like to draw your attention expressly to the fact that participation in the event is only possible if the costs due have been received net and by the last deadline. Delays in payments may affect the benefits of your participation. Any costs incurred due to such action are to be borne by the group. To ask the price of your package please visit our website.


10 – Other information

The organisers regret that the churches do not have suitable spaces for changing or for depositing personal effects. Choirs are therefore requested to arrive at the church already dressed for their performance. All participating choirs may attend all the competitions and concerts during the days of the Festival; to not disturb the performances of the choirs it is strictly forbidden to stay in the foyer of the theatre/church during the competition time. Choirs will be called by the organisers one at a time and will be permitted to wait in the foyer only during the performance of the Choir immediately preceding them in the programme. During the performance of the X class (Grand Prix) all the finalist choirs must wait their turn whilst remaining seated in the theatre Hall.

Piano: A digital 88 keys piano or a coda piano for accompaniment during the Competitions and Concerts will be available on the stage.

Music stands: Music stands (for conductors and other musicians) will be provided by the Organisers at the Competition venues.

Additional Concerts: For choirs participating in the Rimini International Choral Competition, our organisation can organise concerts throughout Italy, before or after the competition. Please mark this possibility in the package request form. Our offices are at your disposal to have you sing in magnificent cities such as Florence, Rome, Venice, Milan, Lucca, Perugia, Naples, etc.

Festival Fees: A registration fee of 200 Euros for the first category chosen and 100 Euros for every additional category per choir/ensemble and category shall be paid for the participation at the Rimini International Choral Competition. The participation in a non-competitive concert is also included in the registration fee. The registration fee shall be made payable to Musicaficta in full, immediately after the choir has been accepted by the Committee, by bank transfer or by PayPal. Any banking costs that arise must be paid by the registrant. In case a choir cancels its participation, the registration fee will not be refunded. In the unlikely event of cancellation of the Competition by the organizers, fees will be refunded in full.

Travel Expenses: The journey to the event including the travel expenses is responsibility of the choir members and additional persons. Sightseeing excursions aside from the event and airport transfers are not inclusive and must be booked separately.

Language of Correspondence: Italian and English are the only languages that are reflected on official documents. This includes, but is not limited to, the Official Participant Information, travel documents such as schedule and vouchers as well as invoices. These are all legally binding. Information by phone, Skype or email are available in the following languages: Italian, English, and Russian.

Please make sure that your choir is accompanied by at least one Italian or English-speaking person who can assist you with translation during the event.



The Artistic Director of the Competition
Prof. Andrea Angelini


Download the Brochure in English Scarica la Brochure in Italiano










